Tuesday, July 7, 2009


me has being tagged by my fren called "gond". here is da question:

Sila ceritakan 15 perkara yang orang x tau pasal awk dari awak kecik2 dulu sampai sekarang.Seterusnya, sila tag 5 org rakan awak pula.Terima kasih.

so, here is my truth of 15...
1. I have live in 8 different house since I live for 21 year.
2. My family had bought more than 20 car(include mpv's, sedan's n van's) n 10 motorcycle.
3. I been into "tadika" 2 times in my life, @ 4 yr n 6 yr old.
4. Actually, my skin was white b4 but i like 2 go out n made sunburn 2 myself, so u know wt nex
5. I started 2 get "bounchet" after my spm got over in 2004 n i go evrywhere wit my motor(jz got my license). i jz sat @ home doing nothing, jz ate n sleep...
6. I haven't watch my gf face until we've been coupled 4 a (+ -) month.
7. My 1st car that I drive after I got my license is from Renault called Kangoo
8. I once put a hot iron 2 my "peha" when i'm 5 yr old. @ tat tme, i thought i wan 2 made myself a tattoo...
9. I've maintain my waist's size @ 38 for a 5 yr until now...
10. I've also maintain my foot size @ 10 for 5 yr too...
11. I've failed 6 out of 11 on my spm trial n yet failed only 1 on my real spm.(1st tme taken)
12. I've once entering a bike racing when i @ 9 yr old, n my teeth broke half on da race.
13. When I @ stndard 3, I was da only boy who pass a PTS xm. another is a gurl.
14. I've fallen in love 4 a 1st tme when I @ stndard 5, but da "ketua pengawas" asked me 2 go away from her. but I thought she like me 2...(hehe)
15. With my kancil, I've went 2 6 state jz in 12 hours(7p.m-7a.m)

Those r da fact bout me that myb others not know.
So, get tagged...


  1. huhu.. byk gk yg i x tau pasal u nih kn...
    u fallen in luv 4 da 1st time @ std 5...
    is it ur true luv???

  2. emm... bole r d ktekn bgitu... huhu...
    nope, is not my true luv...
    u r da 1... he3...
